Elbow Replacement

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All About Elbow Replacement

Elbow Replacement is a very specialise and demanding surgery, it is imperative that it is undertaken by expert surgeons to ascertain predictable results and reduce risk of complications and revision surgery in future. Dr Sandeep Gupta is the best trained Orthopedic surgeon in India to undertake Primary elbow replacement (1st time elbow replacement) and revision elbow replacement surgery. He is an expert on all kinds of elbow problems and undertakes elbow surgeries with excellent results.

Total Elbow Replacement?

Elbow joint replacement, also referred to as Total Elbow Arthroplasty(TEA) is an operative procedure to treat the symptoms of arthritis that have not responded to non-surgical treatmentsElbow Joint Replacement surgery is recommended in following common conditions:Severe Elbow Arthritis
Complex elbow trauma resulting in a complex elbow fracture in older patients with osteoporosis
Tumour or growth in the elbow joint Rheumatoid Arthritis
Inflammatory disease of the elbow

Surgical Procedure

The goal of elbow joint replacement surgery is to eliminate pain and increase the mobility of the elbow joint. The surgery is performed under a general anesthesia. An incision is made over the back of the elbow. The muscles and tendons and ligaments are moved away to expose the elbow joint. Care is taken to move the ulnar nerve to prevent nerve damage. The damaged joint surfaces of the humerus, radius and ulna are cut and the bones are hollowed out from the inside. Proper fit of the prosthesis is obtained and the prosthesis is cemented.

Revision Total Elbow Replacement

Revision replacement surgery is an uncommon surgical procedure. As the name suggests, it is undertaking an elbow replacement surgery in patients who have had a previous surgery on their elbow and the results are not satisfactory or they have had a complication of the previous surgery.Revision Shoulder surgery, requires advanced skills and training, to ensure a satisfactory outcome is obtained for the patient.

Presently Director & Chief Consultant, Orthopedics & Joint Replacement (Tender Palm Super Speciality Hospital) Lucknow

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